The way we market products has changed drastically over the course of the last 20 years, and still, to this day there are visible changes happening every single year, as we work to revolutionise the way we navigate the online world. Just as the general population gets to grip with the concept of Social Media Marketing (SMM), and the extensive benefits that come with ensuring that you are optimising your online presence, a curveball has been thrown that has changed the game completely. Artificial Intelligence (AI), has been working in the background of all digital endeavours for years, however, it is only now that we are beginning to see the extent of the role it will play in the Marketing world for years to come.
The era of machine learning is well underway with the phenomenon of self-driving cars, our robotic personal assistants and tailored shopping experiences such as Amazon Go, are just scraping the surface of the potential this technology has. With the capacity to work and react with intellectual ability, which exceeds that of any human being, it was only a matter of time before it began to take hold of the marketing world.
A huge part of the Digital Marketing industry consists of a process known as ‘content marketing’. Combatting issues essential to the success of all Digital Marketers is a mammoth job, however, it is crucial that questions are addressed and taken into consideration. These often include;
Who is my target market?
Where should I start my campaign?
What content will generate the most effective results?
How does my content compare to that of my competitors?
What are the key personality traits of my audience?
How are our products unique in their given industry?
How do we portray this correctly on various social platforms?
Whilst considering these questions and pulling together an effective strategy can be costly due to the time and resources used throughout the process, it remains the fundamental key to marketing success. This is one of the main reasons many companies are turning to AI Marketing Assistants, who according to recent studies, can crawl more data and interpret the information found in a minute versus a team of marketers that can take months.
Over the course of the last few years, it is no secret that AI has been working in the background of many aspects of online movements. One of the key examples of this would be the ever-growing interest in tailored online shopping experiences. According to a new statistic published by Salesforce, 76% of consumers prioritise companies that can understand their needs and expectations, whilst implementing the knowledge of said consumer to optimise their enquiry experience. As demand for this level of customer service grows, companies are looking to re-evaluate their processes and stay ahead of the times, to continue engaging new business and hold onto those currently behind them.
The question of how much processes within the Digital Marketing industry will change in years to come still remains unanswered. However, it would be naïve to deny the fact that the use of machine learning in such a diverse industry, is not essential in this day and age, but for now, it is thought that a blend of AI input and professional management could be the way forward, to ensure a personal and effective outcome with measurable results.